Bubble bath issues!!

So, we haven’t used any bubble bath in bears bath since October (since his bad nappy eczema, rash issues) but his skin has been amazingly clear for the last few months and I have been worrying about bathing in just water drying his skin out a little. So I made the MASSIVE mistake of using a squirt of Johnsons baby bath…..as soon as I went to put his nappy on after bath time his poor bum already looked more red than usual. Made the decision not to use it again after seeing his little bum but that was only the tip of the ice berg for last nights troubles!

Bear fell asleep on daddy at 8.30 last night (very early for him!) and so we put him to bed whilst daddy finished washing his tv programme and mummy spent her ‘bear free time’ stuffing nappies and sorting the dirty nappy bucket out (also realised I need a hobby!) but he didnt sleep long….from 1am he was very restless. He seemed to be whimpering a lot and waving his hands and feet around. He drank 13 oz of milk between 1am-7am (for those following Bears journey, that is a lot of milk, almost 2 days worth on normal milk intake!) He had calpol, which didnt seem to soothe him much either. We even changed his bum in the middle of the night with the hope it would help him settle….our reserve nappy was not stuffed for bed time though, so by morning he was soaked through!

Even though he is teething still/again I don’t think this was the cause of his problems, but perhaps the bubble bath was irritating him and he was itchy maybe? It could well of been unrelated but seems too much of a coincidence to risk it again! I feel really bad, as it was my decision to put it in his bath in the first place.

So, what can I use in his bath? He likes the bubbles, so wanted something nice for him to use! I think our next trial will be with some simple product. I use simple myself and is nice on my sensitive skin so hoping it may be nice for Bear too. Also, considering changing his shampoo too, as we are still using Johnsons (although has been ok so far, would rather step away from the brand altogether! This makes me a little sad as it is a brand I have personally used since being a tot myself)

If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know. Obviously, we will try anything for him, but hopefully we can find a solution which isn’t going to cost a small fortune.

One thought on “Bubble bath issues!!

  1. I’ve just come across this after my comment on your other post! Neal’s Yard Remedies and Avene XeraCalm are the best things I’ve found for my baby (9 months). I previously recommended the XeraCalm Balm but they do shower/bath products too.


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