CMPA Happy!

After reading some posts on the facebook support pages I have to come a conclusion…..I am confident when dealing with CMPA and am totally happy I am doing the right thing! We have only had 1 slip up (& 1 failed trial) since receiving Bears official diagnosis, almost 12 months ago now!! He is fully weaned, enjoying a warm milk during his ‘bedtime routine’ and not fussed about it at other times of the day, instead enjoys a snack. He loves food, enjoying fish or anything made of mince the best (meatballs, ragu, cottage pie) and he is a healthy, happy little boy! We have even found a bubble bath he can use….thank you Child’s Farm for your wonderful products and simple baby. I am so happy with Bears allergies now that I have not requested any further dietitian appointments (kept us on the books in case we have any future problems getting his formula) and have cancelled his paediatric appointment too, thought we may as well give it to someone who needs it!

I feel that I am able to offer others helpful advice and look at the panicked, worried parents, thinking ‘that was me not too long ago’

This is somewhat of a pointless post really, only really to say that I am happy with my CMPA son and I wouldn’t change him for the world 🙂